The ETA is an innovative carbon finance platform aimed at catalyzing finance to speed the just energy transition in emerging and developing economies.
To help keep a 1.5°C limit on warming within reach, the ETA will bring together governments and private sector stakeholders committed to advancing ambitious energy transition strategies that achieve earlier, deeper reductions in electricity emissions while enhancing energy access.
Accelerating Climate Action through High Integrity Carbon Markets
National Museum of American Diplomacy
Washington, D.C.
April 19, 2024
Key Elements of a Sectoral Crediting Standard for the Energy Transition Accelerator
Environmental Resources Trust (ERT) at Winrock International (November, 2023)
The ETA Founding Partners are supporting the development by Environmental Resources Trust (ERT), a wholly owned nonprofit subsidiary of Winrock International, of a sector-scale crediting standard that rewards host jurisdictions for verified emission reductions achieved on an aggregate basis across the entire electricity sector (i.e., a sector no-lose crediting standard). This document by ERT/Winrock outlines the key elements of that approach.